Urgent Medicare Plan Terminations, Steps To Take To Avoid Huge Reduction In Coverage

3 months ago

Bill Wilkins, Certified Financial Planner Practitioner TM of 29 years discusses the Medicare Plan Termination Options for Insured.

Urgent Medicare Advantage Plan Changes: Act Now to Save Money!

Huge news for Medicare Advantage plan holders! Major insurers like Aetna and Humana are pulling out from certain areas, affecting around 2 million people. If you or a loved one received a Medicare Advantage termination letter, it's crucial to act fast. You have guaranteed insurability rights to switch plans without worrying about pre-existing conditions. Failure to act could result in reduced coverage and higher costs. Learn more about the impact of these changes and important planning tips as you approach age 65. Contact us for resources and advice. Don't forget to subscribe and share this video!

00:00 Introduction and Urgent Medicare News
00:18 Impact of Medicare Advantage Terminations
00:42 Steps to Take After Receiving a Termination Letter
01:21 Consequences of Inaction
02:05 Medicare Supplement Plans Explained
03:12 Benefits of Original Medicare
04:36 Planning for Medicare at Age 63
05:47 Final Advice and Contact Information
06:06 Closing Remarks and Subscription Reminder

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