If we remain in Messiah, we will love each other.

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When we love each other with His love, we will be filled with joy. As we remain in Messiah, we will choose to remain in His love. As we receive His love, we will share His love with one another.

Believers must remain in Yeshua, remain in His promises, and remain in His love. For Yeshua the Son to love us in the same way that His Father Yahweh loves Him means we receive the greatest love possible.

As is commonly read in John, Yeshua called himself the Grapevine. He does not directly quote from Old Covenant Writings. He merely alludes to the powerful Old Covenant concerning His identity.

Before He celebrated the Passover seder, Yeshua knew His time on this world was going to end, because He was leaving it to rejoin His Father. He demonstrated love to His disciples to the end.

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