2 months ago
37 There are three tight oppositions in this chart involving Mars with Pluto, Venus with Jupiter, and Mercury with Sedna. In this video I offer my perspective on what they each mean for humanity’s evolution, and especially the USA’s pathway forward through this potentially volatile transition. The ultimate outcome is one of victory, yet each of us has the power to make this transition a peaceful one for ourselves and for the planet by holding steady within ourselves, knowing that the outcome is inevitable for humanity’s (and Gaia’s) peace and prosperity.

Planetary Frequencies: 15:26

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Planetary Frequencies:

Mars/Pluto/Sedna opp/sextile
Mars/Uranus/Neptune sextile/trine
Mars/Mercury/Uranus trine/sextile
Mercury/Neptune/Pluto trine/sextile
Mercury/Sedna/NN(Mars) opp/trine
Moon/Mercury/Sedna conj./opp
Moon/Mars/Neptune trine
Moon/Pluto/Sedna sextile/opp
Sun/ASC (Sedna)/Saturn trine
Venus/Jupiter/Chiron opp/trine
Uranus/Neptune/Pluto sextile/trine
Neptune/Pluto/Sedna sextile
Pluto/Sedna/SN(Venus) trine

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