Will the Evangelicals Shape New America’s Policies?

3 months ago

President Trump's New Book

Never Again Is Now: Sanction Israel’s Genocidal and Apartheid Regime


Trump announces Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo will not be invited to join the Trump administration

Wah thanks God No RINOS except Great Americans who love America with all their heart and want to make America great like Trump!!!!!

This is so HUGE ‼️ Share this with everyone, you can now influence change in America

Dearest Patriots, don't just write in and tell them what you want but if you can set up a "Think Tank" group and bring out the blue print how to go about achieving it because right at the TOP there might not be enough people so if on the ground you can go all the way to present the end product it will be great so that the TOP people can make it happen faster, do you know what I mean?

In short, assist them not just ask them but do it for them and get their approval. Like for example how you want to improve the education or to teach the Constitution you have to bring out all the details how to achieve it from pre-school to whatever level bring out A to Z how to get it done. Also if you think the teachers not qualify how to get Good teachers something like that....so much to do to make America great and all of you with the passion must seize this opportunity to help Trump to help yourself to get where you want to be.


Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 10, 2024

White House Covered in Gold Signifying Beginning of The Golden Age
Where We Go One, We Go All!

The World Celebrated The Trump Win
Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Brazil, Serbia, Argentina, Australia, Poland
All Had Major Celebrations In Honor of Trump


So does this means YouTube cannot remove our channels just because powerful people like Slut Miriam Adelson demanded them to do so and can we sue YouTube and slut Miriam Adelson?

Anyone who post Fake News We Must sue them until their pants will drop!!!!!!!


Alex Jones Emergency Message to Trump and All Patriots: Deep State Planning False Flags to Frame Trump!

Breaking: What the Pentagon Is Planning Against Trump

The Deep State against Trump

November 9, 2024: ... Forget the presidents, because it is the Deep State who runs US foreign policy, period. And the Ruling Elite cabal bent on hegemony is going to fight tooth and nail against President-elect Trump to keep the United States on war path, warns US economist and former Reagan administration official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. And said that “The Democrats might try to… orchestrate an ‘insurrection,’ invoke Pentagon Directive 5240.01, and prevent Trump from being inaugurated,” the economist suggests. “We must keep in mind that the inauguration of a president comes two and one-half months after his election. There is plenty of time for Democrat and ruling elite mischief.” ...

Fuck the evil ZIOPIGS they can dream on to CONTROL Humanity because DONALD J TRUMP Will lock them up in Guantanamo prison!!

Trump Moves To Obliterate Deep State As Musk Warns “Time Is Up For Warmonger Profiteers”



***We are doing it all for the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who was, the One who is, and the One who is to come. - The Alpha and the Omega...

St. Gabriel the Archangel, we await


The REAL REASON Why the Jewish People Reject Jesus as Messiah

Jesus said “you don’t need temples, middle men or blood sacrifice, to speak to God”. This is my sort of God.

Why Jewish People Don’t Believe In Jesus | Dr. Michael Brown

I grew up in Reform temple...I felt NOTHING all these years having spent 4 days a week in the temple from preschool...to 13. I felt NOTHING in prayer praying in Hebrew until Jesus came to me...now I want to revive my Judaism with completion in Jesus.

The real Jews believed in Jesus but the "Fake Jews" (Khazars) had hijacked the identity of the real Jews and these are the people who don't believe in Jesus. They worshipped their ‘god’ Satan, Lucifer or Baal.


How do Christian Zionists use the 'Gog-Magog' prophecy to support Israel?

This is totally wrong on so many levels! It's unbelievable that people support this!

This is the manipulation of religion to achieve the political goals.


From Israel to US politics, how do Evangelicals control the US?

They would support Israel before Jesus. It's wild how they side with people that deny their God and call him a traitor 😂

They are worrying about religious extremism outside but are not checking the religious extremism inside of themselves. Typical US behavior.


How AIPAC shapes unconditional US support for Israel

How does AIPAC money influence US policies?

Ask not what your President can do for you but ask first what your President can do for Israel!

AIPAC philosophy

Another Israeli gets roasted by a comedian. No escape for the settler colonists.

Guess Where ELSE In the World Israel Has Created Conflicts


Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."

~Lucius Annaeus Seneca 4BCE - 65"AD"

How evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP2 | Witness Documentary

So they call killing innocent people a holy war, Hypocrisy at its peak


Why Are Palestinian Christians Leaving Jesus’ Birthplace? [Pt. 1]

As a Palestinian Christian myself, I am always astounded that so few people know that Bethlehem is a Palestinian town. It is sad how many Christian pilgrims I know have traveled to the holy land, yet did not visit Bethlehem to see Jesus’s birthplace, with their tour groups. The Christians living there need the tourism so badly in order to survive. If any Christians decide to visit the holy land, please go to Bethlehem and support the Palestinians there. They are trapped by this hideous wall from the outside world- But I can assure you they are so friendly to tourists and would love to see you there. Thank you Dena for an excellent report.

How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2]

As A Christian who lives in Indiana I pray for all my fellow Christians in Palestine and pray all the Muslim who go through this hardship as well.

As a Christian myself I feel these evangelicals are some false prophets like the old pharisees. They're hypocrites. They don't truly understand Jesus message.

As a Christian: Christian Zionist are so wrong and blinded…… this whole oppression doesn’t come from Jesus’s will but from hardness of heart 💔 deep misunderstanding of the scriptures 💔💔💔

I'm an evangelical Christian from Switzerland. For long time, I turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation. This recent Gaza war opened my eyes, too. The whole Earth belongs to God, we are just guests and have to love and serve each other.
Thank you for this report!


If These Jews Were Not Recorded, No One Would BELIEVEEE It

Hallelujah 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 praying for more Jewish brothers and sisters to come to the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏽


Israel's secret war against ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan | The Investigation

Excellent summary of the situation! Let's hope that Khan and the three who are deliberating on this case remain strong.


How META FAILED to Save Israel's Billion Dollar Media War | Khaled Beydoun

I always supported Israel (I'm 63yrs old & grew up in the Rhodesian war). My first 'this is not right' was the Sabra & Shatilla Massacres. Gaza however caused me to start reading up on the formation of Israel (to see how they got the land in the first place) & read a lot by Israeli modern historians & learnt of the apartheid system in Israel & ongoing expropriation of Palestinian land & homes. Social media also really opened my eyes. I'm mind boggled at how the west can keep up support for this apartheid system (I live in South Africa). For the sake of the Palestinians please keep educating people about this.

The West’s support of this gen0side shouldn’t be mind boggling at all. Most of them supported the SA apartheid regime and perpetrated colonisation and gen0side themselves. Just research the Herero-Nama gen0side in Namibia committed by Germany as an example.

You shouldn't be mind-boggled. You yourself were supportive of Israel even though all the information was already out there and accessible that, thankfully, you have now found. We are all prone to programming.

Thank you for changing your mind when you realized the truth. That’s the sign of a mature person who can think critically


Inside Meta’s Palestine Censorship

"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden

Does Meta censor pro-Palestinian content? | Al Jazeera World Documentary

Meta is incredibly racist. I have an Instagram account where I post drawings and systematically, the posts where I put a drawing of a black or Arabic person on the cover get ignored. At first I wondered if the people following me were racist, but when I asked some friends they told me, flabbergasted, that these posts never appeared on their timelines. We did several tests and can confirmed that the very algorithm of the website is racist... I know it's not the exact subject matter of the video, but all of that to say that yeah, I'm not surprised by their censorship, sadly...

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