Introduction to Hermetic Thought, Some Light On The Path, part 2

3 months ago

In this fourth episode on hermetic thought, we will be continuing where we left off in episode three, the presentation of the essay “Some Light on the Path,” the commentary by Yogi Ramacharaka on Mabel Collins’ “Light On The Path.” Today we will delve deeper into the four precepts from Mabel Collins.


MAGUS INCOGNITO: Dear Unknown Friend, this presentation, “Some Light on The Path”, when thought of in the context of the Holy Cabbala, is helpful to the aspiring student in his or her quest to develop the Upper Ruah level of Soul. These words serve as helpful aids in the process of what is called Theosis…

Theosis describes three stages of progress in The Great Work we are engaged in – that of Purification, Illumination, and Union. It is this stage of purification that we must approach first.

In the teachings of the Philosophers of the Living Fire, the stage of Purification is related to the swords suit of the minor arcanum of the tarot; the stage of Illumination to the chalice suit; and the stage of Union to the wands suit.

These stages of Theosis are also related, respectively, to three of the four Cabbalistic universes, or Olamot, known as, Olam Yetzirah, Olam Briah, and Olam Aziluth.

The majority of human beings at this time have attained the stage of development known as the Lower Ruach. This stage of evolution in consciousness, while possessing the capability of reason, imagination, and a greater degree of self consciousness, it is greatly influenced by the animal soul or instinctual mind, known as the Nefesh. Hence it can succumb to the illusion of materialism, and the lower desires very easily.

The Higher aspect of this level of soul, known as the Upper Ruach, is in contrast, sensitive to the emanations from the Neshama, or spiritual mind.

In The Kybalion, a similar concept of stages of development is taught as… "The Plane of Human Mind, in its seven sub-divisions, comprises those manifestations of life and mentality which are common to Man, in his various grades, degrees, and divisions. In this connection, we wish to point out the fact that the average man of today occupies the fourth sub-division of the Plane of Human Mind, and only the most intelligent have crossed the borders of the Fifth Sub-Division. It has taken the race millions of years to reach this stage, and it will take many more years for the race to move on to the sixth and seventh sub-divisions, and beyond."

With this in mind, let us continue with the essay, “Some Light On the Path…”

Much of the occult truth is written in the form of paradox— showing both sides of the shield. This is in accordance with nature’s plan. All statements of truth are but partial statements— there are two good sides to every argument—any bit of truth is but a half‑truth. Hunt diligently enough and you will find the opposite half—everything “is and it isn’t”—any full statement of truth must of necessity be paradoxical. This is because our finite point‑of‑view enables us to see but one side of a subject at a time.

From the point of view of the infinite, all sides are seen at the same time—all points of a globe being visible to the infinite seer, who is also able to see through the globe as well as around it.

The above mentioned four precepts are illustrations of this law of paradox. They are generally dismissed as non‑understandable by the average person who reads them. And yet they are quite reasonable and absolutely true. Let us consider them. The key to the understanding of these (and all) truths, lies in the ability to distinguish between the “relative” or lower, point of view, and the “absolute” or higher, one. Remember this well, for it will help you to see into many a dark corner—to make easy many a hard saying.

Let us apply the test to these four precepts. We are told to: “Kill out ambition.” The average man recoils from this statement, and cries out that such a course would render man a spiritless and worthless creature, for ambition seems to be at the bottom of all of man’s accomplishments. Then, as he throws down the book, he sees, in the fourth precept: “Work as those who are ambitious”—and, unless he sees with the eyes of the Spiritual Mind, he becomes more confused than ever.

But the two things are possible—yes, are absolutely feasible as well as proper. The “ambition” alluded to is that emotion which urges a man to attain from vainglorious, selfish motives, and which impels him to crush all in his path, and to drive to the wall all with whom he comes in contact...

...Occultism preaches the “Simple Life.” It teaches that when a man has too many things he is apt to let the things own him, instead of his owning the things. He becomes a slave rather than a master.

“Be happy as those are who live for happiness.”


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