Young Black Men Should Resist the Toxic Culture

3 months ago

Growing up, I was always made to feel like an outcast by my black peers for speaking proper English, excelling in school, not sagging my pants, liking different types of music, and not embracing the dead-end thug culture that has been synonymous with the archetypal black male. Unfortunately this is a battle that every young African-American who dares to be different and has dreams of being someone other than the cliche rapper and athlete faces on a daily basis. This episode of the MDmedic Podcasts breaks down how the current black culture of the Western world is toxic and was purposely introduced for the purpose of destroying our communities..... and why young black men SHOULD resist it. I will also give motivation and strategies for the young men out there who are daring to go against the grain and become modern day conquerors, despite being pulled in the other direction by peer pressure and negative cultural influences. We're doing God's work one episode at a time. Go forth and conquer my friends.


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