What he said. Thatโ€™s one happy, Trump-loving Brit - Ava ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Ž

3 months ago

Worth a ๐Ÿ“–:

Yes, a lot of people have done bad things, but I say we just let it go and move on in the name of "unity." NOT!!! We need to prosecute every last one of these commies for treason and other crimes against America and humanity. If we donโ€™t, theyโ€™re already plotting against America, Trump, and all of us as I write this. Commies NEVER sleep, and they NEVER quit. We must purge the bloody cancer now, or it will come back strongerโ€”if you can even imagine thatโ€”by 2026. Right now, theyโ€™re trying to instigate protests in New York and elsewhere. Theyโ€™re trying to insert manufactured ballots in Arizona and other places to steal MORE Senate and Congressional seats.

Yes, MORE, as in read Jay Valentineโ€”theyโ€™ve already stolen quite a few. You donโ€™t honestly think there was a mandate for Trump, and not a surplus of 6-10 Senate seats and 30-40 Congressional seats. We are led to believe such mandates are gone, but they are only gone because of 101 very sophisticated, and some not-so-sophisticated, forms of fraud. No real Democrat (like Tulsi or JKK Jr. used to be)โ€”no one with a brainโ€”would have ever voted for a simpleton, empty, commie vessel like Kamala. Forty of her 60+ million votes were manufactured, and thatโ€™s not even the half of itโ€ฆ

-Ava (just my opinion, not my cousins', The Safron Sisters, but theyโ€™d probably say something similar, though in a more sophisticated way) ๐Ÿ˜Š

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