YPX News Recruitment

4 months ago

Contact: NateYPXGrey@me.com
Welcome to NateYPXGrey's channel please help us if you're able! We hope you enjoy our content!
"Hello, this is Nate Grey with YPX News I am looking for people to interview for my 2 new shows “Troubled Teen Talk” and “Super Soldier Chat”
Contact me at Nateypxgrey@me.com if you’re interested in being interviewed by me to be on one of my shows. Troubled Teen talk is a show where I interview people who have been inside the troubled teen industry. Super Soldier Chat is a show where I interview people who are involved in government projects such as the infamous MK Ultra. I also like to interview people who have seen UFOs or encountered aliens and supernatural beings. Some times I also talk about world events and theology. I maintain YPXNews.com SuperSoldierForum.com and an album i own the rights to is on queenpoodle.com. To donate to my patron go to https://patreon.com/ypxnews Please donate what you can! You can find my youtube and rumble channel by searching NATEYPXGREY and Links are in the description below. Now please enjoy the clip of my YPX News Introduction"

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