Part 11 Breek Arms Warhammer Charging Handle - The Ambidextral Gunfighter AR15

3 months ago

AmbGun's Ambi AR page

The most popular “ambi” upgrade is the charging handle. It’s the easiest upgrade. I've used a few popular ambi charging handles…Geissele, BCM and my favorite is the Breek Arms Warhammer including their micro version. I like the full size for a standard forward assist upper and the micro for the MK2 style and slick uppers.

I like the Geissele and BCM offerings very much, but I do have a slight preference for the Breek Arms Warhammer with its 4mm reduction in height…this gives my nose a little more breathing room when shooting prone tight up behind the sight. (11.65mm vs 7.51mm)

This reduction in vertical height saves 7 grams over the BCM ambi charging handle. 8 grams for the Warhammer micro.

However this does mean a bit less surface area for your hand when running the charging handle. If you don’t wear gloves or are attending a long training course you might find the BCM or Geissele a bit more comfortable.

All are built with 7075 T6 aluminum. All with a lip to redirect back pressure gasses away from your face. However the Breek Arms Warhammer will save you about $50 compared to big name brands.

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