Never ends. More crazy and more final dates .. LOL

4 months ago

His name is Christian Sibley and he's NORMAL just like US! THE END IS NOW. NO CHRISTMAS. IT ALL ENDS THIS MONTH! Or at least thats what Blue Raymond Miranda Water and Fibley Sibley say. LOL Christian IS LUPIN/WERNI. ALL 3 NEW to the internet few years ago. LOL
Symptoms of split personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), include:

Multiple identities: The person has two or more distinct identities, each with a unique name, voice, mannerisms, and personal history.

Amnesia: The person may have gaps in their memory, especially regarding personal information, traumatic events, or daily activities.
Dissociative fugue: The person may experience confused wandering or travel.
Disconnection: The person may feel disconnected from themselves or the world around them.
Identity uncertainty: The person may feel uncertain about who they are.
Switching: The person may switch to another identity, sometimes when under stress.
Other symptoms: The person may experience depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, sleep disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, eating disorders, or psychotic-like symptoms.

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