Why Gog Invades Israel: The Ezekiel series, part 74 (38:12-16)

3 months ago

You might think that there’s been a lot of things going on the world this past week, and this month, and this year- but that’s nothing in comparison to what’s coming in the future.
The Bible has a lot to say about the future. In fact, if you added up all the things the Bible says about future things that haven’t even happened yet, there would be more pages about things yet to come than it even said about any other time period- even the time that Jesus spent on this earth in the four Gospels.
And one of the next things we could see happening soon is a coalition of nations who invade Israel in the last days.
We aren’t talking about the timing of this attack; we talked out all those theories last week. Today, the question I want to analyze is “why?”
What is it that drives Russia to partner with Turkey, Libya, Iran and Sudan to eliminate Israel?
Most of those nations are Muslim, and it wouldn’t take much to get them to attack Israel. Some of them are already trying. But how does Russia fit into all this?
You’ll find out today on the Cross References podcast.

0:00 - Introduction
1:30 - v10-11, The Land
5:20 - v12-13, The Wealth
14:50 - v14-16, The People
17:25 - The Ukraine War

If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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