Podcast 1 - Jesus Is Risen

4 months ago

Jesus Lives!!!!

Transcript: So, is it actually possible to prove that Jesus did not rise from the dead? --No, it is not. It is just of matter of, well, faith. There is more evidence that Jesus was real than Julius Cesar. Jesus's life is not a debatable question, in fact, the one thing that is universally agreed on by all scholars & historians, is, that He died. His apostles all died horrible deaths for what they believed they saw, excluding John whose death is unknown, also excluding Judas, who committed suicide via noose-style hanging in a field; Which makes it highly unlikely that they would've lied about Jesus rising from the dead. No one could have taken the body, because a guestimated 30-35 Roman Soldiers were guarding it. The soldiers were also unharmed, which means a mob of people didn’t steal the body after a skirmish. The Romans would have been killed for sleeping on the job, and so they had an agreement with the Jews to say Jesus’s disciples came deep into the night and stole the body. Now this would appear to be the disciples’ excuse for the body disappearing, but over 500 people saw Jesus after He died, so mass hysteria could not work as these were random-about people, many of which were loyal Jews, and mirage could not have affected that many people, especially at the same time. Before Jesus was taken down from His cross, they pierced His side to make sure He was dead, being that He appeared to already be dead within 6 hours, & His mother cried so loudly & begged them not to break His legs. Red blood cells & plasma flowed out, which is what happens when your blood stops flowing for an extended period of time; it separates into layers. It couldn't have been someone else, because at the beginning of His floggings, His mom watched Him get beat & Him carry His crossbeam to Golgotha, & then mourned at His death. Despite contrary belief, Jesus's death was not due to His crucifixion process, which is death by blood loss due to the floggings, suffocation via fixation, severe shock, & possibly heart complications. Although He bled more than some due to the crown of thorns, it would not be enough to cause Him to die in 6 hours. Since they did not break His legs, the suffocation would take much longer to be a factor in his death, so it is not a cause. He had not eaten in approximately 36 hours more or less, but that is not so far fetched to be the cause of death, so it too is not a death factor. He was not in shock while on the cross; He spoke to his mom, John, the criminal who repented, the roman soldiers, & The Father from the cross with coherent thought, so it is not a cause of death. He did not die from blood loss, because with His last breaths he cried out in a loud voice, "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT". Severe shock with possible heart complications is not possible either for His death, because with His last breaths, He talked with coherent thought & appears to have not struggled for lack of breath, but rather have struggled in exhaustion. Extreme exhaustion is not possible as a cause of death, because Jesus was well nourished generally speaking & was in above average physical shape. He was not weak either, probably having been a builder for a time, and walked around constantly. It appears Jesus literally gave His life up to His Father, as it says in John 10:17-18, “For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it back. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it back. This commandment I received from My Father.” So unless YOU somehow disagree with the fact that it was actually Jesus who died not by but during His crucifixion, then the whole story couldn't have been made up therefore. Meaning that it is just a matter of FAITH for you, as well as your inability to accept reality; that is if you believe Jesus didn't rise from the dead--Even though it is the only option when the facts are presented.

UGETube: https://ugetube.com/watch/rQspHqEzSIoESFX
FrankSpeech: https://frankspeech.com/v/3kqaz
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/joe_mommu/jesus_is_risen

Song: It's Our Fight
Artist: Steve Jablosky

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