'Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery'

3 months ago

All the topics shared in this conversation are all related.
Deciphering, what are the values I look for in myself? that I will accept from others?
You can be an asset to others rather than an obstacle by being too stubborn to listen.
People now want to just be themselves, not have their co-workers, their 'friends', or a random stranger lay it out on them.
It slowly chips away from our mental health bar.
We can only take so much until we begin to lose our sanity.
Realize at this moment there is one definite force that is routing for you and only wants you to go to him for answers and comfort.
God almighty. God tests the ones he loves the most, Why?
because God believes you're more than capable of overcoming his tests.
How can good be bestowed upon you, if you have done NOTHING to earn it?
Sanity must be earned. Face yourself and use the signs from God that I'm sure you take into account in everyday life, you just decide to reject.
You can only point the finger in the direction of yourself.

In a world where evil is normalized, You don't believe the believers; Truthful individuals are being tested the most?
God knows all this. God planned it out to be this way, so we can find our way back to him.
God created mankind to worship him. Otherwise, we would worship ourselves, and that becomes evil, destructive, and broken.
God supplies mankind with balance.
The ability to reason and to seek truth.
Hear what needs to be heard, not what I want to hear.

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