God's Fallen Bride - End Time Prophecy - Sound of a Trumpet Over Seattle - Ezekiel 16

3 months ago


God chose an orphan from amongst the nomads. He nurtured and protected them but then they turned their back on Him. God expresses His rage that they abandoned Him, the source of all they had, and abused their children which belonged to Him.

God expects loyalty and love and honor from His people. God is the source of everything in our lives. He lifted us up where we squirmed in our own blood by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. We must remain a faithful bride of Christ.

The revelation of Ezekiel has application today. The same things are going on in our pagan world whether we see them happening or not. We are a singular and peculiar people living still embedded amongst the abominations of the pagans who still give up the children to their dumb idols and false God.

Ezekiel Chapter 16

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