GREG VAIL JAZZ Just to See Her Granddaughter Moment, Greg Vail sax.

3 months ago

GREG VAIL JAZZ Just to See Her Granddaughter Moment, live Saxophone Concert, Greg Vail sax. Just to See Her - Greg Vail And Grand babies - Anna Vail is so precious in this clip!! My Baby Girl! Anna doesn't take her eyes off of Grandpa!! She was killing me with LOVE!
Greg Vail Jazz will RETURN to JAX November 14th with Special Guest Tony Guerrero on trumpet and Greg Vail Jazz as usual! Greg and Tony go back to the 80s together!!!!! It’s time to go get some tickets for this show! Greg Vail Jazz is the 5 piece live band. Campus Jax Live Show, Jazz Club, Saxophone Concert, Just To See Her COVER SAXOPHONE
Greg Vail Jazz, Just To See Her, live at Campus Jax, Greg Vail sax, Greg Vail saxophone, Herman Mathews Drums, JV Collier Bass, Jervonny Collier Bass, Marc Hugenberger Keys, Dave Murdy Guitar, greg vail jazz, greg vail, goyo, goyo saxo, Dave Murdy, Dave Murdy Guitar, yamaha, yamaha saxophones, campus jax, campus jax jazz, steamers jazz at jax, live music, live jazz, orange county clubs, orange county music, orange county jazz, yamaha artist, yamaha sax artist, yamaha saxophone artist #GregVailJazz #liveatCampusJax #GregVailJazz #HermanMathewsDrums #jvCollierbass #JervonnyCollierBass #MarcHugenbergerKeys #DaveMurdyGuitar #gregvailjazz #gregvail #goyo #goyosaxo #gregvailsax #gregvailsaxophone #yamaha #campusjax #campusjaxjazz #steamersjazzatjax #livemusic #livejazz #orangecountyclubs #orangecountymusic #orangecountyjazz #tenorsax #tenorsaxophone #newmusic #yamahaartist #yamahasaxartist #yamahasaxophoneartist #davemurdy #JustToSeeHer

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