David Baumblatt #155: The corrupt FBI Agent at the US Consulate Hong Kong refuses to meet with me

1 month ago

On both Monday 4 November and Friday 8 November I visited the US Consulate in Hong Kong, DEMANDING that I speak with the FBI Agent assigned to the office. On Monday, I met with a US Consular Woman, who told me that the FBI Agent was not in the office that day, however she will relay my message to the Agent. On Friday, I returned to the Consulate and again demanded that I speak with the FBI Agent. At this time, the FBI Agent was INDEED in the building, but REFUSED to speak with me, so he sent a couple of Bozo State Department Special Agents to interview me, their information is attached in a post that I will also send, please read that post.
It is now officially on record that the FBI has REFUSED to speak with me. I have been saying this for years, as I have reached out to the FBI on numerous occasions, demanding that they STOP spying on me, and have the courage to face me, man to man. As you will recall in my complaint, in January 2020 I met with the two FBI Agents assigned to the US Embassy in Beijing, and said the same thing, at the time, both agents said they knew nothing about any investigation into me, however they would contact FBI HQ to confirm this, however no response from FBI HQ was given. These facts have all been recorded and presented to our politicians who continue to ignore me. There is also a specific reason why the interaction with the FBI in Beijing in 2020 and now in Hong Kong was different, I will explain in a future video.
To the American Public, it is time for my story to be made public, I have a simple question: WHY am I on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist, why am I NOT welcome back in the US, why is my passport flagged, why did the FBI communicate with foreign governments which resulted in my Work Visa being PERMANENTLY suspended in this country, with NO OPTION to ever reapply again, why is the FBI continuing to go behind my back and speak with colleagues, friend, and families which is damaging my reputation and career.
It is time for answers, it is time for the Politicians and Media, to STOP being silent and do their job which is to expose Government Corruption. It is time for them to respect and honour military veterans. We constantly say how much we support whistleblowers, however when someone has government corruption to report, both the Media and Politicians ignore them, this is WRONG, and we all know it, my story does not just involve the FBI, it also involves both the corrupt Boeing and Amazon Corporations (both of which I worked for in China) who are colluding with the Chinese Government at the expense of American Citizens.
I ask the American Public to forward my story to others, please contact your local congressman and senator and ask them, why are they ignoring David Baumblatt. If our government ignores me, then they will ignore you too. If you have contacts in the Media, please send them my story and ask them why they are NOT interviewing me. There are so many conservative Media Pundits who constantly say how much they support military veterans, well this is a good time to both support military veterans, but also support the American Public, by exposing government corruption and the CORRUPT FBI. I ask for your help, please send this video far and wide. I will be posting follow on videos in a day or two. Thank you.

I met with both Brian Rapier and William Culley, both Special Agents with the State Department Diplomatic Security Services (DSS) Department. Brians business card is attached, however William did not provide, however showed me his badge-credentials. Agent Rapier who NEVER served in the military, in particular was both unprofessional and simply incompetent about this matter, so he chose to lie to me about the process. I repeatedly demanded to speak with the FBI Agent at the consulate and Agent Rapier, like a little punk, continued to gaslight me, saying this is not the protocol, which he is totally wrong, and does not understand how the FBI operates. The normal protocol is for me to directly speak with the FBI about matters of national security. Then this shitbag Agent Rapier tried to accuse me of threatening to kill the president of the United States. The level of immorality and incompetence from our government to include Agent Rapier, never ceases to amaze me, he is just one of many lacklustre shitbags who lacks the credentials to get a real job in the private sector, so he enjoys leaching off the tax payer while at the same time showcasing his unprofessionalism and incompetence. Time to defund the government.
Brian stated that the FBI Agent assigned to the US Consulate Hong Kong said that the "FBI does not think it's worth his time to see me". So now it is officially on record, that the FBI is too LAZY and SCARED to meet with me, as they know they will incriminate themselves, because as I have stated numerous times, the FBI investigation into me is Illegal, Immoral, and Unconstitutional. It is time for an internal investigation to begin, it is time for these corrupt Politicians to stop ignoring me, it is time for this corrupt Media to stop being silent, it is time for this corrupt FBI to stop hiding.
In January 2020, I met with both FBI Agents assigned to the US Embassy in Beijing, China. At that time, during our initial meeting, both agents did not even vet that I was a real former FBI Agent, they just took my word and met with me, and then after our talk, they confirmed that I was former FBI. The point being, is that shitbag Agent Rapier was either INTENTIONALLY lying to me, or again, is too stupid to understand normal FBI protocol. For the FBI Agent in Hong Kong to REFUSE to see me is nothing less than a RED FLAG, and Agent Rapier knew this, so he lied to me, no surprise there, this is our corrupt government.
During this conversation, both of these DSS Agents refused to give me the name of the female US Consular Officer that I spoke with when I went to the Consulate on Monday 4 November. This is against normal government protocol and regulations where government officials performing public work with US Citizens are required to identify themselves. It also shows what a joke and how corrupt our government is. Again, why do we pay our tax money to fund these monkeys, time to defund them.
I say again, to the coward FBI, WHY am I on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist, why am I NOT welcome to return to America, why have you flagged my passport, why have you communicated with foreign governments regarding me and thus had my work visa PERMANENTLY revoked in these countries, why do you continue to talk behind my back to friends, associates, colleagues, and thus damage my reputation and career. And yet you REFUSE to talk with me. You are a bunch of corrupt cowards who need to be Defunded.
I ask support of the American Public and send this story far and wide, pressure needs to be put to our corrupt MEDIA and POLITICIANS, it is time for a formal internal investigation into my case, the Government Corruption that will be revealed will become a PUBLIC GOOD for PUBLIC CONSUMPTION that all US Citizens will be able to benefit from. If we are going to change our corrupt government, whistleblower stories like mine need to be told and formally investigated, I ask for your support. It is obvious, as I have been saying all along, the corrupt FBI are too scared to talk with me, therefor we need to get the Media and Politicians involved. I am a Military Veteran, and I ask for your help.

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