NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-11-09 #14

3 months ago

NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-11-09 #14
History hinged on one speeding bullet
Assassination attempt
Replacement scab candidate
but if not
Dead Don
Biden on Meds
Joe Biden Still president
Babylon Bee:Biden calls Trump to cede the election
Trump: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either,”
Supersize. When you play this video several times and read the notes, empowered to succeed
Feel good, celebrate
Rush Limbaugh: No victory is a complete victory and no loss is a complete loss
Still evangelize
Nurture rising talent
Don't trust in the arm of flesh, don't fear the arm of flesh
Trump is a fascist: George Orwell: “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’.”
Trump is an insurrectionist: This was covered in his second impeachment. What do you know that Congress couldn’t find?
Trump got elected because of Russian collusion: This was debunked with the Mueller Report
Trump said racist were “fine people”: This was debunked by Snopes.
Trumpis a xenophobe: His wife is Czech
Trump is an anti-semite: He moved the embassy to Jerusalem; beside the neo-Nazis are at Ivy League schools
If Trump is a danger, why aren't the Brethren condemning him?
If bad, why not condemn him?
Not speak out against his assassination, not subtle denouncing
Movie Heretic, about Sister missionaries kidnapped
No R movies, draw line somewhere. How do these R movies lead to Christ?
Friend reviewed--Someone overthinking, or rationalizing an emotional attachment.
100% allow free speech
but this movie will put sister missionaries at risk
This is a time to boycott.
Hugh Grant, goodbye
David Cardon, BYU Prof
Math Prof,
Majoirty of people
Don't talk about this, but as BYu Alums, more than money. Speak up to BYU leadership about this
Probe and Left Mind
Assumptions versus Verifiable Facts
Metaphysics. “What is it?”
a. Cosmology.
i. Is it matter, spirit? (materialism, idealism)
ii. Is it more than one form of reality? (monism, dualism, pluralism)
iii. Are all events caused or random? (determinism, tychism, free-will)
iv. Where did it come from, if it did?
v. What is most real, individual things, or the categories that define them?
(nominalism, realism)
b. Anthropology.
i. What is man? Where does he come from?
ii. Is he by nature good or evil?
iii. Free or determined in thoughts and action?
iv. Do men have rights? Where do they come from?
c. Theology.
i. Are there supernatural beings?
ii. What are there characteristics?
iii. What is God? What is our relationship to Him?
iv. Is there a Savior, and what is the nature of the Atonement?
Epistemology. “How do you know it?”
a. What is knowledge? What can be known? How is knowledge acquired?
i. Reason/Nature-Unmade.
ii. Will/Artifice-Made.
iii. Rational Will—truth via time.
b. How reliable are the senses, reason, revelation, science?
c. What might impede knowledge? What increases it? What corrects it?
Ethics. “What ought we do?”
a. Morality (right-wrong).
b. Axiology (value-theory).
i. What is the good? The evil? Are there universal goods?
c. Praxeology (behavior).
i. What is right conduct? What is the best life?
d. What is virtue? Justice? Obligation?
Politics. (Social Ordering)
a. What is the best political order? Who should rule? To what ends?
b. What is the best regime? How does government arise? Why does it?
c. Must the individual good be the community good? (individualism,
d. Can liberty, equality, or justice be attained? How? What is law?
e. Can government be preserved over time? How?
Are there alternatives to government?
Economics. (Managing scarcity)
a. What is the best economics order?
b. What is the role of property rights?
c. To what extent should government intervene in economic/financial matters?
Taxes? Industrial policy?
a. What is beauty? What is art?
b. What is the relationship of art and man? Art and reality?
c. What is the end of art?
How Does Reality Function?
Science theory explanatory power
Political party?
feel versus fact?
some feelings untrue
Why does the Left insult?
Fidelity (Duty)
Natural Order versus Autonomous Constructs
internal, impose upon eternal reality
Calling a P a V doesn't make it a V
Imposing internal view
Clash of feeling with facts
Respond with more emotion
Social Terrorism: Base on feeling, but also trusting people. Question,look it up or ask someone
Aquinas: "although the argument from authority based on human reason is the weakest, yet the argument from authority based on divine revelation is the strongest" ST I.1.8
Trusting other person's information--why is this other person right
Citing GAs
Relationships, community, so insult is excommunicate, ostracize from community
Rush Void
Slot: Clay Travis and Buck Sexton
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Mark Levin
Dennis Prager and Prager U
Daily Wire/Rumble
Born Again: Left or disinterested, to advocates: Free Speech and autonomy. Left versus Liberal/Neo and Paleocon
Joe Rogan
Bill Maher
Scott Adams
Russell Branadt
You are the news, and than's news eye of faith

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