A 1970 UFO Encounter in Norway

4 months ago

by UFO Author, Charles Lear

In the April 1971 issue (page 6 of the pdf) No. 1-2 of the Scandinavian Newsletter, published by UFO-Sweden, there is an article headlined “I met a flying saucer.” According to the abstract, the report that follows was first published in the Norwegian weekly magazine Hjemmet and translated into English by Anton Lidström of the Trondheim UFO Society.

The case involves an encounter with a flying saucer reported by a man who said he came upon it while driving near Helleland, Norway, at around 5:30 p.m. on October 29, 1970. According to the report, the encounter left him without a windshield, and he seemed to have suffered some physical effects as well.

After the abstract, there is a description of Reidar Salvesen coming in out of a pouring rain into his home in Bregneveien, Vågsbygd. He is said to have been shaking after a 6-hour drive with a plastic sheet taped to his car in place of a windshield and to have gone straight to the couch and sat down without taking off his coat.

His explanation to his wife is presented in quotes: “Synnøve, I’ve had a strange experience. I cannot explain it, therefore I must draw it for you. It was a frightening sight, but at the same time fantastic.”

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