How To Create Cipher Text Project, HTML CSS JavaScript Substitution Cipher AES-256 Encryption

3 months ago

Join us as we build Cipher Text, an encryption web app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Cipher Text empowers users to encrypt and decrypt text messages with a customizable substitution cipher and AES-256 cryptography.

This project is perfect for anyone interested in cryptography, JavaScript, and web development. What sets it apart is its unique capability: it’s the only project in the world that can decrypt any messages encrypted using Cipher Text.

How To Begin:
Step 1: Fork or download the starter project from my Github repo = Don't forget to star the repo and follow me on GitHub.
Step 2: Load the folder cipher-text in Visual Studio Code or any IDE of your choice while you follow along with the video tutorial.
Step 3: Have questions or want the full source code? Join the community of developers here =

Video Shortcuts
0:00 Introduction
0:04 HTML
25:28 JavaScript
01:09:01 Project Demo
01:10:51 Join developer community
01:10:59 Closing

Why No Sound on the Video?
My teaching method focuses on demonstrating what I can do. While others might excel at explaining things verbally, I thrive in showing my results. I'm more of a doer than a talker.

Why No Music?
This tutorial is accessible to a global audience, and the last thing most viewers want is to hear my heavy metal jams. Therefore, silence is the chosen background, because silence is golden.

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