Staying the Course #1, 11/9/24

3 months ago

Staying on Course - Saturdays 11/9
When conflicting outcomes and perspectives seem real, we are merely mistaken in our interpretation and need help to perceive differently. Help is always here. Let’s strengthen our commitment to remember everything of this world is only for healing the mind, and there is no other purpose for the world that will work. This can only be accepted now. And we have infinite support to see that our wholeness cannot be affected by any outcomes that the dream seems to picture.

From the ego’s perspective, the world is seen through a distorted and fearful lens. Both “good" and “bad” outcomes are perceived, and we think we can accurately judge what is right and wrong. Good and bad, right and wrong— are twisted and upside-down for the ego. There is "considerable confusion about what these categories mean.” The ego has no idea that there is a plan that is only Good, totally safe, and in everyone’s best interest.

Without judgment are all things equally acceptable, for who could judge otherwise? Without judgment are all men brothers, for who is there who stands apart? [CE M-4.III.1:6-9]

Let’s open our minds with this idea. Our class themes will be oriented around freedom of the mind-- thus not attempting to control outcomes in form. Recognizing we don’t know how things should unfold, reveals that we do have a present choice as to how we see the world. In the Spirit’s prearranged loving Plan, He is never conflicted. What could His plan be, but to help us recognize the love that we share and are? And we each have that love to give. Our happiness depends on answering the call to give it.

Classes will feature selected Course ideas related to our theme, discussion time, guided meditation, and/or a closing prayer. Replays will be available at

One shared purpose,
Brian and Alexandra💞

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