November 10 - John 13 & Luke 22 - #lastsupper

3 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for November 9, 2024 is Matthew 26 & Mark 14. #lastsupper #bibleinorder #chronologicalbible

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. For your copy of the chronological Bible study, visit for a free download.

David Doty reflects on the teachings of Jesus during the Last Supper, emphasizing the importance of humility, servitude, and love among believers. He discusses the need for spiritual maturity within the church, warning against the dangers of pride and the importance of leading by example. Doty encourages listeners to focus on nurturing their current congregations before seeking to grow their ministries, highlighting the responsibilities that come with leadership in the kingdom of God.

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