Trump Supporters, How to Turn Victory into Lasting Change

3 months ago

We are doing a joint podcast today. Both podcasts have a mission, Bonded Voices “Happier, healthier and wiser through conversation” and The Screwtape Letters Podcast Confronting Evil in Our Time is to help Christians understand how the demonic play a part in separating us from God and making us miserable in our time here on earth.
We are also joined by a brilliant and beautiful soul, our friend and guest Corey Hirsch, who is a professor of music at Arizona Christian University. Gentlemen, Welcome, and thank you for being here.

The election victory for Trump was just that, a victory at the polls and a mandate to fulfill the promises to voters. That battle is just beginning, so don’t think it is over, it has just begun.

If each of you could prepare a 2-3 minute overview of what you think the ramifications of this election were and are for the future of the USA.

Questions: Coming out of the election…

What do each of you consider the top 3 things that need to change?

Emotions are running high right now, how should we respond to and deal with the anger and vitriol of the left? And what responsibility do those on the right have to be kind and respectful? Especially within the family this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

Examples of the post-election hate. What is the right response to deal with it?

From fear, lies, false imprisonment, abortion, COVID jabs, closing churches while keeping strip clubs open, mandates, masks, open borders, and sexual mutilation of children, how do we not let evil thrive again?

People ask “How could people vote for President Trump with all his failings and the lawfare that was conducted against him, how do we answer that?

Will they let President TRUMP fulfill his election promises and take office and govern?

It’s too quiet out there. Are the Democrats and deep state planning something?

How do we engage more Christians and especially evangelical voters of which less than 50% voted?

How should TRUMP voters leverage victory now and over the next 2 to 4 years after the experience of the last 4 years?

Lastly, how does the new Trump Republican coalition grow and create lasting change?

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