On the New Revelation & Acta Pilate (Archko Vol) - Responding to Critics

3 months ago

Both sources seen here from an evangelical perspective prove to pass the test of validity for scriptures as given by Paul - the same Gospel, the same Jesus, and despite the traditional Sola Scriptura (aka, just the Bible) doctrine considered one of the main pillars of Protestantism, it appears that there's a great drive in the actual churches to communicate with God, hear His voice etc, which logically should give people a reason to finally test the New Revelation and admit it is scriptural; a few quotations from the New Revelation regarding true and false prophets, followed by a short investigation of why and how has been the Archko Volume rejected by some as a fraud, the persecution of its publisher by his own religious authorities and finally, some comments on various other sources considered apocrypha and appearing to be related to Pilate, especially The Acts of Pilate from the Gospel of Nicodemus (which is incompatible with the New Revelation).
Acta Pilate does not only speak to the heart of a lover of Christ, but I can add to this that the content and language of Acta Pilate, Caiaphas Testimonies and Archko Volume in general appear to be very consistent to The Great Gospel of John and The Childhood of Jesus, given by the Lord to Jakob Lorber in the XIXth century (pertaining to the New Revelation) and particularly to the references to Pilate and to the Lord's death and resurrection in the final Book 25 of the Great Gospel of John.

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