The Kingdom of God 4 - The Progress and Triumph of the Kingdom - Steve Gregg

1 month ago
65 | 4. The Progress and Triumph of the Kingdom
Prepared by Steve Gregg
I. The Kingdom Progressing: The Movement of the Messiah
A. The growing Stone (Dan.2:34-35, 44; Matt.21:44)
B. Like a mustard seed (Matt.13:31-32; cf. Dan.4:10-12/ Ezek.31:3-6; 17:22-24)

C. Like leaven (Matt.13:33)
II. How the Kingdom conquers: We are translated into it (Col.1:13)
A. The preaching of the kingdom (Acts 1:6-8; Matt.24:14; Acts 20:25)
1. God made and owns us all (Acts 14:15; 17:24-25)
2. We have become disobedient and alienated from God (Acts 14:16)
3. God sent Christ to live among us and restore us to our proper relationship with God as Father
(Acts 2:22; 10:38; 13:23)
4. Christ died for our rebellion and rose again (1 Cor.15:3-4)
5. Christ is now enthroned as universal King. We must surrender and live and die as His loyal
subjects (Acts 2:36; 3:22)
6. Amnesty and sonship are granted upon surrender (Acts 13:38-39)
B. The establishment of Christian communities as beachheads of the Kingdom (Matt.5:14-16; Acts
2:41-47; 4:32-35)
C. The making of disciples (Matt.28:18-20; Luke 6:40; Col.1:28; 2 Cor.10:4-5)
D. The mature crop precedes the harvest (Mk 4:26-29; Eph.4:11-13)
III. The ultimate triumph of the King
A. Gone to “receive a kingdom” (Lk 19:11-12; Dan.7:13-14, 22, 27; Rev.11:15; 1 Cor.15:22-26)
B. Will not fail (Isaiah 42:1-4; 45:23; Phil.2;10-11)

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