Nash - electric clippers session one - 9 Nov 2024

3 months ago

To date the most effective way I have used to acclimate horses to the electric clippers is based upon the horse training principle called "advance and retreat." You advance the clippers (aka "put pressure on") to the point where the horse is just starting to resist but is not resisting so much that you cannot keep the clippers in contact with the place you advanced them to - you then hold the clippers right there (stop advancing) until the horse brings its head down and just a wee bit towards you and then you "retreat" the clippers away (you release the pressure) when the horse is approximating what you want done. Then step by step you use successive approximation to get the horse to the point where it willingly allows you to clip its bridle path with nobody even holding the horse - literally with it choosing to stay and willingly allowing the clipping to happen. You can see this process done on 3 different horses which had never before experienced electric clippers at this webpage

Training horses always involves some risk of injury (or even death) to the horse, the trainer, any spectators, equipment used, etc. - this risk is totally your own as you will be making your own judgements on what to do. As with any suggestions on any subject you must weigh them out for yourself and proceed accordingly - at your own risk.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
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