Understanding Genesis 6:1-4, Part 4 | Angelology, Part 29 | Pastor Raj Ahuja

3 months ago

In this sermon, Pastor Raj Ahuja concludes his 29-part series on Angelology. He focuses on addressing common objections to the interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4, particularly the idea that the "sons of God" were angelic beings who procreated with human women. Pastor Raj emphasizes that this event was a one-time occurrence aimed at thwarting God's plan for the Messiah's birth, and argues against the possibility of it happening again in the future. He stresses the importance of understanding this passage in the context of Satan's attempts to prevent Christ's coming and the irrelevance of such strategies post-incarnation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Sermon Notes: https://www.calvaryprescott.com/notes/

#calvarychapelprescott #calvarychapel #angelology #nephilim #demons #genesis6

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