7 Fragrances I'll Wear A Lot In Fall/Winter (2024)

4 months ago

Topic of the video:
Hello Gentlemen. 👋
In this video, I will show you 7 fragrances that I'll wear the most in these fall & winter seasons.

These 7 fragrances are the ones that I will be wearing the absolute most this fall and winter.
There are some niche fragrances, some designer fragrances and some clone fragrances, so a little bit of everything.

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0:00 - 7 Fragrances I'll Wear A Lot In Fall & Winter (2024)
0:36 - Roja Parfums "Qatar"
0:52 - Chopard "Oud Malaki"
1:13 - Yves Saint Laurent "37 Rue De Bellechasse"
3:12 - Dior "Tobacolor"
4:28 - Francesca Bianchi "Tyger Tyger"
6:00 - Swiss Arabian "Shaghaf Oud Tonka"
7:52 - Gucci "Guilty Absolute Pour Homme"
9:22 - Fragrances I'll Wear The Most In Fall/Winter

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#FallFragrances #WinterFragrances #Fragrances #Fragrance #Perfume #Perfumes

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