Desire of ages 2 of 3 Ellen g White audio The life of Jesus timeline

3 months ago

#thelifeofjesustimeline #desireofages
Desire of ages 2 of 3 Ellen g White audio The life of Jesus timeline

This is such a fantastic book Voted the number one book on the life of Jesus in the library of congress . This amazing book desire of ages by Ellen g White shows us how much Jesus loves and cares for us . Incredible mercy, compassion and love for a world bound to destruction . There was no other way to save us from eternal destruction and suffering than for Jesus to die for us

This book Desire of ages was written when the righteousness by faith message was given to the world by Alonzo T Jones and EJ Waggoner Incredible message of freedom Ellen g White book Jesus does the works through us Our own works are dirty rags and useless for heaven . What an incredible message to find out that there are 2 kinds of works An The life of Jesus timeline

The works that we do in legalistic form which are useless and the works that Jesus through someone who has found through righteousness by faith . No one shall be saved by the works of the law because by the law is the knowledge of sin . Desire of ages Sin is the transgression of the law No one can keep the law as all humans are totally wicked , selfishn proud and dishonest . Ellen g White book Only Jeus coming on earth to die for us could have payed for the price of sin which is death . An The life of Jesus timeline

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