Official Royal directives to all individuals impersonating Canadian Law Enforcement Officers

3 months ago


**Royal Directive and Official Notice**
**From The True King**
**To all peace officers, excluding members of the CAF**

To be a constitutionally sanctioned authority, one must adhere to the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, the supreme law of the land. Without this adherence, one is not a valid authority. Consequently, anyone operating under orders from an invalid authority is also invalid. *Ignorantia juris non excusat* (ignorance of the law is no excuse).

You now have the opportunity to be a valid authority and honour what it means to uphold actual law. All legislation created by an invalid authority is invalid and must be suspended pending a thorough judicial review by panel.
that has yet to be decided. Any actions taken by officials that are not directly based on and in accordance with the orders and directives from the True King and the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, must uphold the rule of law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or will be the responsibility of those individual officers exercising judicial discretion.

By Royal Order, all legislation and amendments introduced by Parliament since the first violation of the rule of law are invalid. This necessitates the re-evaluation of all legislation, except the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, to ensure they are just and in accordance with the supreme law of the land. Legislation that meets the requirements will be reinstated; those that do not will be used as evidence. Therefore, as of November 9th, 2024, all legislation other than the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982 is hereby suspended pending judicial review.

All of this is in accordance with Section 52 of the Canadian Constitution Act, the supremacy clause, to maintain and uphold rights and freedoms. Honour the little metal trinket that can be worth something once again, but will only be made as such by the actions of those who have the bravery, courage, and honour to do what they know in their heart to be right.

**Disclaimer**: The King takes full responsibility and accountability for any actions taken under this order. The King is fully liable, including criminal liability, for the actions of any officers or individuals acting under this directive, provided their actions are in accordance with this order and the rule of law, and they uphold and respect the rights and freedoms of every Canadian citizen. This applies to all citizens who are not suspected of or found guilty of involvement in criminal activities or of impersonating the federal government, unless they turn themselves in by November 11th.

By abiding by these orders, each individual validates their own authority under a valid authority and is absolved of any crimes or actions taken under the orders of those who were not valid authorities. They will be absolved of past actions if they follow these orders and acknowledge the legitimacy of the only constitutionally sanctioned authority by birthright and more importantly dedication, understanding, and adherence to The Rule Of Law, The True King

*** all in the Chain of Command Immediately notify your superior officer and all those under your command and instruct them to review directives given by the True King. After instructions have been given refer to Schedule X and F.I.G. List #001 for further information and instructions. After all officials that did not choose to be a valid authority have been removed and their equipment returned {must be before NOVEMBER 13th 2024}. the Chief of police must contact the CAF and confirm. Once confirmation is verified your station will be considered a valid authority and you will be debriefed on operation Zen Garden and receive the relevant orders.***

By the True King

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