One Piece: Season 2 Teaser Trailer | Netflix (4K)

3 months ago

One Piece’s animated film Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates covered the Arabasta arc in 90 minutes, but the Netflix show will take a very different approach when adapting Luffy’s next adventure. After One Piece season 1 covered the anime’s first saga in eight episodes, many assumed that season 2 would do the same thing for Arabasta, the story’s second saga. However, it has since been confirmed that One Piece season 2 will only include Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whisky Peak, Little Garden, and Drum Island.

In other words, the actual battle for Arabasta will not happen in season 2 and is being saved for a potential season 3. While One Piece season 3 has not been confirmed yet, the Netflix live-action show has so far been very successful and even became the streamer’s most-viewed TV show in the second half of 2023. Assuming One Piece gets to continue after season 2, the live-action show has made the right decision by saving the Arabasta arc for season 3 – and the Arabasta abridged anime film proves it.

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