2 months ago

For educational/research purposes only
Not for profit, fair use law
We have all heard stories of the lone holdout, the soldier or battalion who continued to fight for years after a war has ended. What most people don’t consider is that most ends to a war can not be boiled down to a single date, that after a war ends there are still pockets of soldiers on all sides who refuse to lay down their arms, who refuse to believe that the conflict they have known for so long is now over. This is where our story begins. Sydney Baker is a young British soldier who has never actually seen the front lines. Sent on a mission to help ‘clean up’ pockets of Nazi resistance, Sydney soon finds himself alone and afraid behind enemy lines. Soon he runs into William Summers who is an American Soldier with what appears to be a death-wish, hellbent on claiming as many German lives as he can before he dies. Together they fight their way out of German occupied territory on what could be a final suicide mission. this is a story of survival in the final days of one of the biggest wars in human history
Written - Jason Mills
Directed - Jason Mills
Starring -
Chris Walters - Sydney Baker
Jackson Berlin - William Summers
Darren Andrichuk - Engel
Thomas Beckman - British Soldier 3
Josef Bergen - German Solider 9
Garnet Campbell - German Soldier 4
Paul Fisher - Older Sydney Baker
Christopher Girard - German Soldier 5
Steve Gray - British Soldier 1
Danny Gurniak - German Soldier 1
Robert Allan Hughes - German Soldier 3
Stephen Kloppenburg - German Soldier 2
Ayden Liebich - German Soldier 8
Jason Mills - British Soldier 2
Paul Mills - German Solider 7
Paul Ross Mills - German Soldier 6

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