🚨Vivek Ramaswamy on Massive Federal Downsizing - Tucker Carlson

3 months ago

FULL- https://rumble.com/v5ng0q5-vivek-ramaswamy-trumps-sweeping-victory-and-the-future-of-government-bureau.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

"Many agencies should not exist and many that do should move to other parts of the country. I don't think you need many of these agencies to sit in DC, and you don't need some at all like the Department of Education.

We need to bring a jackhammer to most of these agencies. If you told a Federal agency employee that they had to come into work 5 days a week or move to Indiana, they'd probably quit on their own, so you'd have no severance cost.

So move the agencies out, fire 75% of the Federal employee headcount, and agencies that are redundant can be reorganized or shut down.

This is a once in a century or once in a nation's lifetime opportunity to drastically reorganize and shape and drive structural change to the Federal Government."

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