
4 months ago






Many people say that Yeshua (Jesus) is alive! Since Yeshua is ALIVE. The the real question is... have you met with Him, talked with Him and has He taught you the TRUTH. Haven't we been lied to enough? Find Him and you will find the TRUTH!
It is up to every man and woman to find the truth. The truth hurts, lies are easy and that is why the path is wide and the path to heaven is the Narrow Way. You must seek the Father with all your heart mind and being and love your neighbor as yourself. Few are those who find Him though many are called. Every bit of this book is true, what do you have to lose? Heaven is real and so is Jesus, Would you like to meet Him? Walk with Him, talk with him, learn from Him? Here is the key for you to have a REAL relationship with Him. Go find Him, He comes as a thief in the night just like He said. He is now separating the wheat from the chafe.
Good luck on your journey....

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