NT Framework 63 Covenant vs Dispensational Theology

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SBC Family,

Before we broke off to work with Biblical Stewardship in Government to ramp up for the election, we were prepping for understanding Pentecost and the Church. Some of the prep is distinguishing Covenant and Dispensational Theology. Tomorrow we’re going to pick up there and move forward. Today there are basically four types of churches in the world;

1. Liturgical. No systematic understanding of Scripture. Focus on mystical experience and authority of the church. Examples would be Roman Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodoxy, et. Al.
2. Liberal. No systematic understanding of Scripture. Reject fundamentals of the faith like verbal, plenary inspiration, the deity of Christ, the Trinity, et. Al. Examples would be churches from all denominations like the Presbyterian Church USA, various Lutheran, et. Al.
3. Covenant Theology. Systematic understanding of Scripture. Church has replaced Israel. No future for the nation Israel distinct from the church. Examples would be Presbyterian Church of America, Reformed, Congregational, some Baptist.
4. Dispensational Theology. Systematic understanding of Scripture. Church is distinct from Israel. Future for the nation Israel. Examples would be Bible churches (though not all), Calvary Chapel, some E-Free, et. Al.

The problem with all who don’t hold a systematic understanding of Scripture is that they are betraying that they don’t think God is a coherent thinker. They don’t claim there is a plan, or if they do they don’t teach people the plan, but if there’s no plan then there’s no plan for your life either. It’s very unorganized and just an experiential faith system that has no real basis in reality (sometimes contemplative spirituality which is eastern religion). It’s all just an experience. You never grow in these systems. You just feel spiritual, but you’re really not since that’s not how God defines spirituality and maturity.

We’re just interested in numbers 3 and 4 for our purposes because we believe God is a coherent thinker and has revealed His mind to us in Scripture. It may take a couple of weeks to get through. Don’t forget to ask questions. I like questions.

Grace to you,



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