Class 13 - Living the Gospel - Luke 16-19

4 months ago

In this class, we continue St. Luke's Gospel, covering chapters 16 through 19.

This was one of my favorite lectures I've done on this Gospel series. It began with the parable of the unjust steward, which is a difficult one to understand.

Also, we discussed the Rich Man and Lazarus, and what that means for our lives.

Interspersed throughout, we talked about finding the Kingdom of Heaven within, encountering the monsters that lurk within our hearts, experiencing the inner grace of God when we nail those monsters to the cross with Christ; truly confessing and truly repenting. Also, forgiving others and persisting in prayer (which is not vain repetition).

Lastly, we see Jesus is loving but not always nice.

In this series, we focus on how we should live our lives according to the commandments of Christ found in the Gospels. While theology is important, we can't truly understand it until our hearts are purified. This purification comes by grace and praxis, that is, living the Christian life. With that in mind, we sometimes breeze over portions of chapters that are less about how to live and more about teaching theology. Praxis first; theology later.

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