Why They Got Rid Of William Cooper Part # 19.)

1 month ago

What Is A Pleiadian Star Seed


What Is A Pleiadian Starseed?
A Pleiadian starseed is a soul whose origin is from the Pleiadian star system, right next to the Orions belt. Just like other starseed races, Pleiadian starseeds are old, highly evolved souls who have come to Earth to help transition humanity from 3D to 5D, also called New Earth.
There are many types of starseeds on Earth, including Sirians, Arcturian, Lyrans and Andromedans like me.
If you want to learn more about starseeds in general and find out whether you are a starseed or not, check out my article 5o Starseed Signs.
Pleiadians and The Pleiadian starseed
Pleiadians are multidimensional beings, existing in several dimensions including 3D to 9D.



Juan O’ Savin & Nino ~ The Secret 🤫 Handshake 🤝 Code. John & Juan – 107 Intel Insights - Silver and the “secret handshake code” | 10/26/24

John Michael Chambers - A Voice For Our Times

Silver and the “secret handshake code” – Historic Act now!
Protect your assets with Silver & Gold Economist Kirk Elliott
- Watch Silver Now! Your Time Is Running Out Little Time left Before Big Move
-Juan reveals the “secret handshake code” that you will not hear anywhere else – very important data
- Power shift transition in play - The stops will be pulled out very soon on silver and it will catapult soon
- The “Globalista” will use whatever weapons they can against us- coming after the dollar and the economy
- Protect-and preserve your purchasing power with silver SHTF very soon – you’ve been warned - the time has come
- The banks are loading up on physical silver
- Lady Gaga and the breaking mirror – in comes evil entities
- Codes and “Q Acquitted”
- Silver closes two consecutive weeks at same closing price point and what this may mean-what does this signal?
- What is the significance of a silver market close at 33.67
- We are heading into crypto and QFS – right now its Cowboys and Indians in this arena
- Debanking will escalate – banks beginning to seize deposits legally – they want us desperate
- Juan provides cautionary steps stepping into Cryptos
- If you get caught in the market corrections that are coming soon, it could take decades to recover – GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM
- 2020 and 2024 will be set right Juan touches on this
- A prayer with Juan



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