Is the crazy weather being played up?

4 months ago

The oppressive heat and drought are currently causing a lot of problems for agriculture. Long-lasting fires are keeping fire departments busy in many places. The oppressive heat and drought are currently causing a lot of problems for agriculture. Long-lasting fires are keeping fire departments busy in many places. The cause seems clear: man-made climate change, i.e. high CO2 emissions, are to blame.
As a possible way out, so-called solar geoengineering is increasingly being brought to public attention.

The idea is to cool the earth by spraying substances to reflect sun rays.

Radio MDR, for example, takes up a listener's question as to whether there are already flights in which aircraft spray such substances. Ulrike Niemeier from the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg confirms that it is technologically feasible:

"Of course, this has side effects: Negative effects are that we also reduce the average precipitation on earth. It would mean that we would no longer have a really deep blue sky, but it would look slightly milky..." and that it "...could certainly have psychological effects."

However, she denies the use of such flights. She and other interview partners call for further research into geoengineering.

Looking more closely at Niemeier's statements, lower precipitation and also a milky sky would be the consequences of spraying substances. Both have been observed more and more frequently in recent years.

The question arises as to whether, as claimed, this is indeed a completely new technology on which research is only just beginning.

In the following, takes up indications from the leading media that the research and use of climate weapons apparently has a long history.

Watch the main content of the program hereafter "CO2 - debate as a distraction from weather manipulation by military".

Let's start looking at these clues:

1. On March 14th 2019, Swiss Environment Minister Simonetta Sommaruga said the following in an interview on the sidelines of the 4th United Nations Environment Assembly: "Yes, Switzerland has tried to put the topic geoengineering - i.e. the spraying of particles into the atmosphere - on the table, that information is collected, that opportunities and risks are looked at. ... These are experiments that are made without even knowing the consequences. We will fight for this, it will certainly conti-nue. The topic is too important and at best too problematic for us to simply look the other way”.

Ms. Sommaruga speaks here about experiments with spraying particles into the at-mosphere. But are these experiments new and quasi just beginning - just occurring on a small scale?

2. Already January 14th, 2009, meteorologist Gunther Tiersch made some irritating remarks during the weather report on the German TV channel, ZDF.
Gunther Tiersch explains the weather on the weather chart – I quote: “And then we have something here that we cannot identify as snow or rain, here in the west, these serpentine lines – probably some planes, military planes, have released it in the af-ternoon over the North Sea, at an altitude of about 5-6 kilometers. Has nothing to do with the weather...”

Shortly after this, due to numerous viewer questions about this weather report, ZDF interviews the weather service expert Karsten Brandt. Here are excerpts from the interview in the original wording:

Presenter: “It’s a phenomenon that Karsten Brandt from the weather-service 'Don-nerwetter' knows well: Already back in 2005, meteorologists noticed such strange ghost clouds for the first time. Warships also camouflage themselves with such arti-ficial clouds. “Chaff” was already developed in the 2nd world war.
At that time they were made of staniol strips, today they are glass fibers vapor-deposited with aluminium, with a length of 15 to 25 millimeters and a diameter of approximately 100 micrometers. If the filaments are half the wavelength of the radar, false echoes occur.
For the enormously large ghost clouds coming in from the Dutch coast, tons of the substance must fall down again and again over Germany.”
Meteorologist Karsten Brandt: “We are setting up environmental zones and the like, but apparently they do not apply at an altitude of four or five kilometers above the North Sea and above Germany. It doesn't matter what is being sprayed up there. In-credible!” ...
Presenter: “Even if these clouds do not come from the German Armed Forces, the fact that nobody feels responsible for substances which regularly descend over Germany, and which are actually forbidden, meteorologists consider absolutely ab-surd.
Conclusion of the presenter: “Absurd is kind of a nice way of saying: the population is being fooled here!”

3. The German physicist and television presenter Jochen Bublath made very detailed statements on the subject of weather manipulation by the military in a documentary for ZDF-TV. Bublath created the ZDF science program 'Adventure Re-search' until 2008.
In one episode he discusses weather manipulation by the military using huge an-tenna systems and the creation of artificial clouds. Here an excerpt, also in original wording:

Jochen Bublath: “There is a suspicion that the powerful transmitters and the large antenna systems of HAARP are also used for these military experiments.
Far away from any civilization, the American military operates a facility for manipula-ting the ionosphere. The name of the mysterious project is HAARP.

A huge wall of antennas can emit radio waves into the ionosphere...
With the radio waves one tries to change the ionosphere.
The radio waves are pumping energy into this layer of electrically charged particles.
The ionosphere is getting charged, expands itself at these points and shows distur-bances. It's one way to cause trouble for the military adversary... Officially, however, HAARP is only meant to research the ionosphere.”
Here, near Tromsø, Norway, experiments with the ionosphere are also conducted by Europeans, for research.
With special plant constructions, radar impulses are sent into the ionosphere. A small part of these signals are sprinkled back through the streams of electrons in the ionosphere and received again by the antennas. Conclusions on the density, ener-gy and movement of the electrons can be drawn from that”.
Listen to another voice reporting in great detail on the nature and objectives of weather manipulation:

4. The Spanish television channel "La 8 Zamora TV" interviewed Josefina Fraile of “Asociacion Tierra SOS-Tenible” on October 19th, 2017 under the headline “Geoengineering – Pact of Silence”.
Listen to some extracts of the original. At the beginning it is about a ban on so-called climate weapons.
Josefina Fraile refers to the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), (formally: Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of En-vironmental Modification Techniques). This is a treaty under international law that was adopted by the United Nations (UN) as Resolution 31/72 as early as 1976.
Explicit mention is made of interventions which have the following effects:
- earthquakes or alterations of the earth’s crust
- Tsunamis
- weather phenomena such as cyclones, tornadoes, cloud formation, precipitati-on/rain
- disturbance of the ecological balance of a region
- influence on ocean currents, etc.

.Josefina Fraile: “An agreement has been made that the climate weapon may not be used in wars. But in fact it is still being used. What can be done with this weapon and what is it used for?
With this weapon you can create rain, storms, clouds, lightning, thunderstorms anywhere in the world. Or the opposite, you can dissolve rain fronts. Stop hail and snowfall and even create drought. What happens? This weapon of climate control, whoever possesses it has absolute control over the precious resources of this world, especially over food.
In plain language: If a country has this technology, it controls the water tap of the whole world. Do what you're told and you get water, and if you're against it, your country gets undersupplied with water.
Breaking up, breaking, destroying of water resources. Prolonged droughts are the result which then leads to the country being unable of providing food for its popula-tion. The consequence is a famine. This is real! There are countries that have this technology and in the USA this technology has already become part of their foreign policy. A report by the North American Air Force is called – Mind the title! – “Owning the Weather till 2025”. This title, which is self-explanatory, leaves us without words or breath. That one can be so presumptuous as to want to control the world's water tap – this does not go into most people's heads. This report also says that modificati-on of the climate is part of the American foreign policy. Whether the world wants this or not.
And this policy is enforced through bilateral agreements, through organizations like NATO – which are responsible for us – or through the United Nations.
In fact, in the last General Assembly of the United Nations in Section D of the 5th Report on Climate Change, the IPCC was more or less legitimizing what is called GEO-ENGINEERING.

... Well: It is clear: Who has this technique, can blackmail whoever he wants ...
...The moment this method of warfare was banned by the United Nations, of course we asked ourselves:
A country that can control the climate and thus has power over the resources all o-ver the world, will this country give up this dominion just because it has – with great delay –signed a United Nations agreement?
Very unlikely. The only thing left for this country is to give the dog a new collar. In other words, create a global problem and then offer the global solution.
The global problem consisted in the creation of a new religion: 'Climate change and global warming'.”

Now – Are there such attempts by the mainstream media to make interventions in natural weather events acceptable as measures for climate protection?

Yes. Definitely. Swiss radio SRF 4, for example, in 2015 presented a kind of sun protection for the Earth, high up in the atmosphere. According to Thomas Peter – an atmospheric chemist at ETH Zurich – this could for example be achieved by count-less tiny particles flying around like tiny mirrors high up in the atmosphere.
They would reflect the sunlight right back into space.
... Many experts and environmental organizations are apparently very skeptical about geoengineering.
But global warming is supposedly becoming increasingly dramatic. As a result, more and more researchers are said to have recently spoken out in favor of seriously in-vestigating sun protection for the Earth, for example the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, and the National Academy of Sciences in the USA. With this, the subject now becomes socially acceptable, Ken Caldera from the University of Stanford in California says.

In conclusion:

1. On given occasion, in 2019, the Swiss Environment Minister calls for a deba-te on the spraying of particles into the atmosphere.
2. 2.Indications concerning illegal practices of weather manipulation, for examp-le by spraying particles or by interventions in the ionosphere through extre-mely strong radio waves, were already being talked about in the official media by weather experts and specialized journalists more than 10 years ago.
3. Josefina Fraile highlighted military interests behind the use of so-called cli-mate weapons, which were banned in 1977 for given reasons. She sees the attempt to make the forbidden “climate weapons” acceptable when relabeled as “climate protection program”.

In light of this background of strong military power interests, it is understandable that the official media are now unanimously fueling fears of CO2 and no longer say a word about completely different causes for droughts, floods and weather catastro-phes of all kinds. Could it be that the panic-mongering about CO2 rather is a gigan-tic distraction and misleading of the population? On top of this the peoples are being ripped off by threadbare means, controlled, and weakened by substances that are harmful to health. Effective environmental protection starts with the disclosure of serious causes for environmental destruction and with raising the sensitivity of the population for these facts. is following this for you …

We are happy to receive any eyewitness statements...

from ag./kgr.
1. Hörer machen Programm:

2. Schweizer Umweltministerin:

3. Schweizer Radio (SRF 4 vom 20.2.2015):

4. Wetterbericht ZDF:

5. Karsten Brandt (ab Minute 2:30):

6. ARD-Tagesschau und ZDF-Sendung-Zusammenschnitt: Zu Wettermanipulationen (HAARP und Chemtrails):

7. Interview mit Josefina Fraile:


(Deutsch, ab 8:16 Min.)

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