truthful man exposes liars

3 months ago


1.Truthful man likes telling the truth.
He has no fear of the truth.
He annoys alot of people.
Some people are fake not telling truth.
People couldn't make sense of their lies.
Harder to lie to truthful man.

Truthful man exposes liars.
Liars trying to manipulate.
Liars expose for their lies.
With truthful man being detective.
Never lie to truthful man.
Truthful man exposes liars.
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2.Salesman approach truthful man.
Convincing him to buy their product.
Truthful man keeps offering questions.
Salesman pushes sales pitch harder.
Truthful man says no.
Salesman playing games to get sale.

Truthful man exposes liars.
Liars trying to manipulate.
Liars expose for their lies.
With truthful man being detective.
Never lie to truthful man.
Truthful man exposes liars.
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3.Person likes to be centre of attention.
Person has women surrounding.
Women attention boosting person ego.
Truthful person ask person questions.
What women are offering.
Person ask that questions.
Women said nothing,
Women using person for sex and money.
Person got rid of the women.

Truthful man exposes liars.
Liars trying to manipulate.
Liars expose for their lies.
With truthful man being detective.
Never lie to truthful man.
Truthful man exposes liars.
chorus lead1
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