Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Nov 8 - Putting the heat on the "Smiths"

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We won't stop putting pressure on Premier Danielle Smith or Liberal MPP Nathanial Erskine-Smith until their bills are DEAD!

The past Saturday the Alberta United Conservative Party held their AGM in Red Deer. the hot topic of the event was Bill 24, the Alberta Bill of Rights Amendment. Paying guests were invited to an informal vote on amendments of Bill 24 that removed the UCPs initial plan to limit the bill by "chartifying" it. Smith’s camp is claiming Smith was unaware of the Charter clause in the Bill, but her speech at the 2nd reading in the legislature says others. You can watch HERE:, skip to the 2.50 min mark.

Bill C-293 is still sitting precariously in the 2nd reading with the Senate. We have updated the Senator letters to be more succinct and have drafted one for the Governor General, both of those live HERE: Let’s make some plans to create some noise!

And last, but not least, what law-making powers do the municipalities have? We'll investigate case law that affirms their limitations and what that means to Canadians.

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