Ethereum & Merkle Patricia Tries: How Data is Stored

3 months ago

Ever wonder how Ethereum stores and organizes its vast amounts of data? It’s all thanks to Merkle Patricia Tries, a genius data structure that combines the efficiency of Merkle Trees and Patricia Trees. With this system, Ethereum ensures that even the tiniest data change updates the entire root hash, guaranteeing unmatched security and integrity. Plus, you can prove data exists in the trie without revealing everything—perfect for privacy-conscious applications.

Behind the scenes, Ethereum uses four types of tries: the State Trie, which tracks the global network state; the Storage Trie, which stores smart contract variables; the Transactions Trie, which logs all transactions in a block; and the Receipts Trie, which holds transaction logs and gas details. While you may never interact with these tries directly, they’re the unsung heroes of Ethereum, keeping the blockchain efficient, secure, and decentralized!


#Ethereum #BlockchainTechnology #CryptoExplained #MerklePatriciaTries #SmartContracts #CryptoEducation #BlockchainInnovation #Decentralization


Ethereum, Blockchain, Merkle Patricia Tries, Smart contracts, State trie, Storage trie, Transactions trie, Receipts trie

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