"Feeling Overwhelmed?" - Psalm 61:1-3 - (www.reallife7.org)

4 months ago

Does life ever seem overwhelming? Are you feeling overwhelmed about something that is going on you your life right now? Does this feeling of being overwhelmed have to do with your marriage, family, kids, work, relationships, financial struggles, misunderstandings, heartbreak, or just life in general. David, a man after God's own heart, struggled with feelings and circumstances of being overwhelmed as a result of his experiences in life. The only hope he had of conquering these waves of despondency and woe was to look to the ROCK that was much higher than him.....than his own strength and abilities. To Jehovah God who is never overwhelmed by the requests of His children, but delights in coming to the aid of those who cry out to Him for help.

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