America Under Siege (1994) - Linda Thompson - Full Documentary

4 months ago

This documentary touches upon several different "conspiracy theories", such as the Waco Siege (TX) and Randy Weaver + his family in the 1992 Ruby Ridge Standoff (ID). They were all peaceful people and our own government grossly overstepped their boundaries and blatantly misused their power, committing what is called a government overreach as a result. In addition to that, it also covers a shocking but relevant theory relating to today, that being FEMA camps and how our own government could be planning to place us in them in the future. Another unsettling event that is featured is the government using Black Helicopters to follow/track citizens. This is a very invasive and disturbing process that completely destroys our rights to privacy. It is a little over an hour long in length (1:06:20) but I promise it is worth the watch. Pay close attention to the FEMA camps because they recently started popping up down in North Carolina after the geo-engineered "hurricanes" wiped out a good portion of the homes of the citizens there as our filthy government was in pursuit of the Lithium that was located in the caves near the homes. It turned out that BlackRock was behind that as well. (Shocking, I know). Regardless, FEMA Camps are real and they are created by our own government with the ill intentions of one day eventually throwing us in them. They may not openly admit to that but I'm convinced that is part of their end game. In closing, the next time you visit your local Walmart, pay close attention to the structure/layout of the building and tell me that it doesn't appear like a prison. Stay vigilant, Patriots!!! 👀🇺🇸

In Memory of American Patriot, Linda Thompson ✝️ (1953 - 2009) ✝️


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