Time Travel?

4 months ago

Is time travel possible? Can we walk across the field of time as we will? Can people slip out of this time and into another? What happens when time’s rules are broken in strange ways?

Find out in our brand new episode of Haunted Cosmos!

After more than a year of work, Brian and Ben are pleased to announce Haunted Cosmos: Doing Your Duty in a World That's Not Just Stuff, a book all about the glory of the world God has made—seen and unseen—and how to do your duty in it. You can preorder this premium hardcover edition right now at the link below. These will be shipping around the first week or two of November—plenty of time for Christmas! https://www.newchristendompress.com/cosmos

Did you know that supporters of the show at our Sasquatch Photographer Tier and above (yes, that is its actual name) can listen to entire episodes early and ad free? That's right! And that's not all: Patrons at every level gain access to our patron-exclusive show, The Dusty Tome, with bonus stories, Q+A, and more. https://www.patreon.com/HauntedCosmos

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