Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 137 pt 1, The Urantia Book, Michael (Jesus) on Earth

2 months ago

New Age, Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 137 pt 1, The Urantia Book, Michael (Jesus) on Earth (mirrored from New World Order Exposed on

Urantia: another End Times deception which is entrapping many, and few are capable of recognizing this for what it is: demon worship and worship of self. 100% so-called 'Christ Consciousness' 'creative co-creation and evolution, which denies the Atonement needed for sin and sees 'the Almighty God' as all love who would never have allowed him to be crucified as 'a barbaric blood sacrifice'. The victims in this cult are as they say, IN DEEP and have exchanged Truth for a lie.

From ...

"Here is my personal story about this book, which took place back in the early 1980s in Everett, WA:
There was a retired Christian couple in Everett, WA who owned a Christian bookstore of sorts. They were friendly and kind, and had, as best as I can recall, spent a few years in ministry in Asia. In other words, I simply trusted them. As I approached the man to make my purchase, he looked at me and said, “There’s life on other planets you know.”
Amazed, I asked, “How did you know I wondered about that?”
He replied, “God told me.” That “bait” worked, and I was one hooked fish. Reaching under his desk, he pulled out a big, big book, and said, “This book tells you about that.” When I asked him who wrote it, he ran me around until the subject was dropped, I purchased it and couldn’t wait to get home and start reading it.
The book’s binding, print, paper, and format were very identical to a Bible. It was completely void of any credit to any human authors or writers. The mysterious nature of it and my natural curiosity kept me slowly reading it, but the more I read it, the more agitated and uneasy I felt. Within a week, I began to sense I was not alone in my house when I tried to read it and that I was being carefully watched. This escalated until I knew that about three very tall, powerful, “beings” were standing beside me; and that is when I flipped through that book to find where the Gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was and how it was presented. Thank God, the Holy Spirit revealed it for what it was. Urantia went into the garbage can and the evil beings left my house.
Do I believe that the Laodicean church of today will fall for the false “Jesus” portrayed in this book from? YES!!! We are in the day of the “falling away” because people, not having received a love for the truth, are being sent a strong delusion from God that they should believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2). Multitudes have already been conditioned by weak and pathetic “Christian” movies, such as The Chosen (and others) that are devoid of an understanding of the Gospel, the consequences of sin, worldliness, the need for true repentance, obedience, and holiness. The fact that millions of Christians purchased, read and loved that blasphemous book, The Shack should be evidence enough that the organized church is ready for major delusion." - Jeannette Haley

Tags: New Age,deception,alien agenda,Urantia,NWO,Freemasons,Jesus Christ,The Power of the Blood,Atonement

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