Occupied America Coming to an End | Laws and Orders W/Derek Johnson | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 26

3 months ago

Occupied America Coming to an End | Laws and Orders W/Derek Johnson

- Election night conversation with Derek Johnson

- Dot connecting at the highest levels of military laws and orders

- Derek explains just how it is that Donald Trump has been the Commander in
Chief over these past recent years

- Just why and how this had to take as long as it has as the nation having been
exposed to such tyranny and lawlessness

- How is it that Donald Trump is in fact a wartime President

- 45-47 the significance of the dash (-)

- National emergency and wartime since 1979

- US will no longer be an occupied nation

- The Butler assignation attempt may not have been what you think

- Advises American people Military and Trump has this under control in this Military operation – be calm through the upcoming weeks/months

- If the courts are needed in the election – can we have confidence in this?

- DOD Directive of Military using lethal force has been misunderstood by many
popular podcasters

- What is in 11.3 in the law of war manual – how has this been used

- Continuity of Government and the burial of Joe Biden

- We are essentially under martial law

- Victory is just around the corner as the operation concludes in its final phase

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