Fri 8Nov24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - A Leader of Covid Resistance Gets Elected; Tokenization, Outsourcing CBDC Tyranny

3 months ago

* A leader of Covid resistance, gets elected; and a look back at Ebola 2014 vs Covid 2020

* Musk, the "King of Crony Capitalism" becomes USA President - what does he want?

* Tokenization - Outsourcing Tyranny to Create a De Facto CBDC

* Eric Peters,, joins to talk Trump, Mobility, Liberty


(2:00) Beauty Salon owner who defied lockdown & exposed GOP hypocrisy ELECTED to State House

* Compare & contrast the lax reaction to Ebola in 2014 to Covid 2020 where the same local official later jailed her for remaining open — from trying to assuage fear to stoking fear

* State GOP bluffed with supposed "law" and betrayed the Constitution

* When the resistance of just a few people gained popular support, the same GOP leaders caved

(47:55) News

* "Abolish Everything"

* TN ban on state property tax

* Update on Western NC — government vs volunteers

* Auto industry everywhere is being destroyed — look at Nissan

* Global Harbinger: German government collapses as it won't reduce Welfare/Warfare (and Climate) state

* China's "tightening the tax noose" as economy declines is EXACTLY what the bi-partisan approach in the US will be

* The nations committing generational suicide - here's the first ones to die…

(1:17:09) Musk Bought Trump - What Does He Want?

* The "King of Crony Capitalism" becomes President of USA

* Why did Musk switch from Trump critic to $130M supporter

* Trump goes from EV critic to "I'm for electric cars. I have to be because Elon endorsed me. So I have no choice"

* What specifically do we already know that Elon wants?

* How does Elon have the time to be one of the top 20 video gamers worldwide in Diablo? What does it tell us about his role in these companies?

(1:41:54) The demonic cult of Transhumanists pushing AI vs God, and the wonder of the human brain that Google has studied for more than a decade and STILL doesn't fully understand

(1:52:26) Tokenization - A De Facto CBDC

* What is tokenization

* How will blockchain be used for surveillance and control

(2:01:56) INTERVIEW Eric Peters - Meet the New Boss, Has Trump Changed? Eric Peters,

* The lesser of two evils…we'll see

* Don't Deport…Defund

* Helmet Laws and why electric motorcycles won't be accepted even if mandated as Newsom has done

* Jeremy Clarkson and why today's faster, more reliable cars…are garbage

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