3 months ago

"Pax et Bonum," ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. S.O.S. for CHRIST begins a new Monday podcast called: MONDAYS MINUTE OF TRUTH based on the Gospel readings of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, cited from the English Standard Version translation of Sacred Scripture.

NOTE: THE "NEW" ~ MONDAYS MINUTE OF TRUTH~ PODCASTS HAS REPLACED THE ORIGINALLY CREATED TUESDAY PODCAST CALLED, "WHAT IS TRUTH?" This brand new podcast focuses on a one-minute "Lectio Divina" of sorts for every soul that desires to begin their week encouraged to know, love, serve, and share the Kergyma (Good News) that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Way, the truth, and the Life. Jesus is Lord and Savior for all humanity. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to sacrifice Himself for you and me; free us from satan, and the grip of sin and earth so that we may worship and honor Him forever in the beatific vision. MONDAYS TRUTHS are for you and your loved ones to know God has a purpose and plan for your life; IF, you surrender to His will, admit you are a sinner and NEED a Savior. When we repent, graces flow, and freedom, love, joy, and peace reign in our lives. When we surrender our hearts to His perfect love, follow Him, and learn to be obedient to the teachings of the Church and faithful to God's Ten Commandments, then our lives bear witness to the Truth that sets souls free~ MONDAYS MINUTE OF TRUTH is based on the Catholic Church's Liturgical Calendar and the Monday (weekly) Mass 'Gospel' reading.

Pax et Bonum,

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