Become as Little Children

2 months ago

Jesus Christ taught the gospel message, which is the good news of the soon-coming Kingdom and Family of God. Mankind is invited to become part of God's family. But Christ said that we must first become as little children. Learn more deeply about Christ’s instruction to become as little children.



Request Gerald Flurry’s free book, The God Family Vision.

You will learn that the focal point of Christ’s message was God the Father. Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family. He didn’t come here to declare Himself, as this world believes. That deception is why this world doesn’t understand God’s plan for mankind. They are in the dark. And so are most of God’s own people! The God Family Vision is the only message that will fill us with hope. It is about bringing God’s government and peace to the whole universe. It is the true gospel that mankind has never understood.

“The God Family Vision” contains nine chapters. Subjects include the God Family Spokesman, Hannah’s Family Vision, Declaring the Father, Reviving the Elijah Work and The Hope of the Gospel.

This book will take you all the way back to the beginning of the Bible narrative, before mankind was created. You will see why God created mankind and what His awesome plan for us is. As you will see, it is an incredible family plan.

Request your own free copy of “The God Family Vision.”

Also request our free booklet, “The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like.” Written by Herbert W. Armstrong, this booklet will give you a picture of the what the world will be like after the return of Jesus Christ.

This coming world will truly be a utopia! It is sure—the world’s only sure hope. This advance good news of tomorrow is as certain as the rising of tomorrow’s sun. Humanity won’t bring it about—it is going to be done to us. Humanity is going to be forced to be happy—to enjoy world peace—to see universal abundance and joy fill the Earth.

In this booklet, you will learn about the cause of all world troubles. You will see how the new world government will function under Jesus Christ. You will learn about what education and religion will be like. You will truly see a picture of tomorrow’s world! This isn’t fantasy. This coming world is described in the pages of your very own Bible!

Request “The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like.”

You will also be sent Gerald Flurry’s free book, “The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem.”

Almost nobody understands this revelatory truth about Jerusalem. Now you can fully comprehend this vision. It will cause your hope and imagination to soar! You will learn about Jerusalem’s illustrious origins, preparing for the Messiah and God’s Universe Headquarters.

You will also be sent a free Bible Lesson on how to become as little children. Jesus Christ said we must become this way to be part of the Kingdom of God. What did He mean? Find out what it means to become as little children.

All of our literature is free and will be sent to you with no cost or obligation. Our literature is sent out as a free, educational service.

Request “The God Family Vision”, “The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like”, “The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem,” and a free bible lesson on becoming as little children. Also request a free subscription to our news magazine, the Philadelphia Trumpet. Request your free literature now!

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