Replacement Theology – Last Days Lie of Satan!

2 months ago

Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible.
In this vital study, Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb will be exposing a lie of Satan that is being taught in many Churches as truth and that is Replacement Theology! . If you’ve noticed that your pastor does not speak or teach on eschatology (the study of End Times), it’s most likely that he and the leadership of your church adheres to amillennialism – a view of eschatology that views End Times prophecy as “spiritual” instead of literal. It’s a convenient way of avoiding the promises made to Israel in the Word. Since the proponents of Replacement Theology believe that the church inherited the promises made to Israel, there is no need to teach that End Times prophecy is literal. Nothing could be further from the truth and Satan would love for you to be ignorant of what God told us would happen prior to the return of Jesus Christ at His Second Coming! Get your Bibles ready and let’s learn together!

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