A Harlot’s Brow II Spiritual Desolation

2 months ago

Jeremiah 14:4 says, "Because the ground is cracked, for there has been no rain on the land; the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads".
A severe drought had hit Judah. People in all walks of life, from nobles to farmers, were affected by it, and they covered their heads as a sign of their distress.
They had difficulty in getting enough water to keep themselves alive, and their animals were beginning to suffer from the disease. Some had already died because of the lack of food (14:1-6).
Amplified Bible
The ground is cracked because there has been no rain on the land. The farmers are distressed, and they have covered their heads [in shame].
The ground is cracked - Jesus told of a farmer who scattered seed on the ground. Some fell along the path where it was trampled, and the birds ate it. Some fell on the rocky soil, and when it sprouted, the plants died for lack of water. Other seed fell among thorns, which choked out the plants. However, there was seed that fell on good soil, which yielded a crop a hundred times more than what was planted.

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